Abbott Spinal Cord Stimulator Lawsuit: Seeking Justice for Victims

In recent years, spinal cord stimulation has emerged as a promising treatment for chronic pain. However, the medical device industry is not without its controversies. Abbott, one of the leading manufacturers of spinal cord stimulators, has faced legal challenges due to allegations of defective products and negligence. This article explores the Abbott spinal cord stimulator lawsuit, shedding light on the issue and providing information for victims seeking justice.

Understanding Spinal Cord Stimulators

Spinal cord stimulators (SCS) are implantable devices that deliver electrical pulses to the spinal cord, thereby interfering with pain signals and providing relief to individuals suffering from chronic pain conditions. These devices consist of a battery-powered pulse generator, placed under the skin, and thin wires with electrodes that are inserted into the epidural space.

The Allegations Against Abbott

In recent years, several patients who received Abbott spinal cord stimulators have reported adverse effects and complications. Allegations against Abbott include claims of faulty devices, inadequate warnings, and misleading marketing practices. Some patients have experienced device failure, migration of the leads, infections, or ineffective pain relief, leading to further medical complications and emotional distress.

The Lawsuit Process

When individuals believe they have been harmed by a medical device, they have the right to seek compensation through a lawsuit. The process typically involves gathering evidence, filing a complaint, discovery, negotiations, and, if necessary, going to trial. In the case of the Abbott spinal cord stimulator lawsuit, plaintiffs are taking legal action against the company to hold them accountable for their alleged negligence.

Legal Representation for Victims

If you or a loved one have been affected by the Abbott spinal cord stimulator, it’s crucial to seek legal representation from experienced attorneys specializing in medical device litigation. These lawyers can guide you through the complex legal process, help gather evidence, and build a strong case against Abbott to increase your chances of receiving fair compensation for your suffering.

Compensation and Damages

Victims of defective medical devices may be eligible to receive compensation for various damages, including medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost wages, emotional distress, and future medical needs. The amount of compensation awarded depends on factors such as the severity of injuries, the impact on the victim’s life, and the strength of the evidence presented during the lawsuit.

The Impact on Patients

The Abbott spinal cord stimulator lawsuit has had a profound impact on patients who trusted the device to alleviate their chronic pain. Many individuals have experienced worsened pain, additional medical complications, and emotional distress due to the alleged defects in Abbott’s products. It is crucial for these victims to seek justice and hold the manufacturer accountable for their suffering.

The Future of Spinal Cord Stimulation

Despite the legal challenges faced by Abbott and other manufacturers, spinal cord stimulation remains a viable treatment option for chronic pain management. Advances in technology and increased regulatory scrutiny are expected to improve the safety and effectiveness of these devices. However, it is essential for manufacturers to prioritize patient safety, provide accurate information, and address any potential issues promptly.


The Abbott spinal cord stimulator lawsuit highlights the importance of patient safety and the need for accountability within the medical device industry. Victims who have suffered due to alleged defects in Abbott’s spinal cord stimulators have the right to seek justice and compensation for their damages. By raising awareness about these issues, we can advocate for improved safety standards and ensure that individuals living with chronic pain receive the quality care they deserve.


Q: What is a spinal cord stimulator?

A: A spinal cord stimulator is an implantable device that delivers electrical pulses to the spinal cord to alleviate chronic pain.

Q: What are the allegations against Abbott?

A: Abbott faces allegations of producing faulty spinal cord stimulators, providing inadequate warnings, and engaging in misleading marketing practices.

Q: How can I file a lawsuit against Abbott for a defective spinal cord stimulator?

A: If you believe you have been harmed by an Abbott spinal cord stimulator, consult with an experienced attorney specializing in medical device litigation to explore your legal options.

Q: What compensation can victims receive in the Abbott spinal cord stimulator lawsuit?

A: Victims may be eligible to receive compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost wages, emotional distress, and future medical needs, among other damages.

Q: Will spinal cord stimulation continue to be used despite the lawsuit?

A: Yes, spinal cord stimulation remains a viable treatment option. However, it is crucial for manufacturers to prioritize patient safety and address any potential issues promptly.

6 thoughts on “Abbott Spinal Cord Stimulator Lawsuit: Seeking Justice for Victims

  1. Have you dealt with issues of removing an Abbott trial stimulator and having excessive bleeding causing an epidural hematoma?

  2. My mother has had an Abbott spinal cord pain stimulator for years experiencing no relief and only additional pain & loss of mobility. We are looking for any additional information to assist us with compensation. Is there any information or recommendations available on acquiring legal representation for her? We are at a loss on how to get justice for what she has been through.

  3. I had an Abbott spinal cord stimulator put in on July 25, 2023, the replacement was identified as one of the recalls. I have been living with so much pain, I can’t sit very long, nor lay on each side very long. I stand up, sit down all day and all night. An animals life is better than mine right now. I went in several times, all they could say is that its the healing processes. They done x-ray, cat scan and finally they paid attention to me and said they will do an MRI. After trying to put the stimulator into MRI mode, it would not go into MRI mode. I got a substantial shock. They called a tech from Abbott same day, he came over right away thought he could fix it but could not get it to go into MRI mode. I received letter that this Abbott spinal stimulator was recalled. Finally after 7 months of suffering they scheduled a surgery but called me 3 days ago and said they could not accept my Aetna health insurance. So if you can please help me I would really appreciate it. Thank You

  4. Received a letter stating my Abbott spinal cord stimulator has been recalled. Cannot ever reach
    an Abbott representative. There has not been anyone, including my doctor that implanted the
    stimulator, that has tried to help with this matter.

    I have turned off my stimulator for a few weeks and cannot tell that the pain in my leg is any
    worse. Not sure why I do not get relief like I did when I first had it implanted but I did have an MRI a
    few years ago and the devise has not helped my pain. I have had the stimulator for 5 years and have only been able to reach an Abbott representative one time to help me with the settings. Other than that, you can NEVER get in touch with anyone. This company is not truthful about their product. The only time they showed up was
    for my doctor appointment trying to convince me that they would stay in constant contact with me.

    I had a bad experience with a Boston Scientific stimulator prior to this one and I was assured this time would
    be different. They only care about making money.
    So yes, after now getting the recall, my mental health has suffered. I have already had so many medical
    bills due to back issues and now will face more.

    I have not had any injuries from the stimulator but just facing having the stimulator removed is
    enough to have my nerves on edge. It was very painful when the first stimulator was removed the Abott
    stimulator implanted. But I trusted that their devise would be different and thought the company would
    treat me much differently than they have.

    Not sure if there is anything I can do but wanted you to know my story.

  5. i had the abbott stimulator impanted in march of 2023, had to have a revision surgery in 2024 due to the lead wires dropping. I have had no pain relief, actually has gotten worse and am still seeing a pain management doctor. I believe I have a failed stimulator. I have been back to the surgeons office on many occasions with no luck in getting relief. Iam not a happy patient.

  6. I have recently had one installed. I had so much back pain they saw it wasn’t working and scheduled me for removal surgery. the DR that implanted it came in the recovery room and said “OK it’s out”. I have bad infections and after a week I go home to administer antibiotic it’s 2 times a day for 2 months. the part ( generator) was thrown away because it was contaminated. How is my future life going to be affected? future pain, surgeries? they know there is a problem. FDA take Abbott off the market!

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